Jun 26Liked by Opal

I came here thinking "Yeah, mahn!" But after reading the to-do, now I dunno. Probably not. Along those lines, I have already decided 2025 will be "One Book Year". I am going to order a Wunderland 222, B6 and that's it for my '25 planning.

The thing is, I don't think I'm really a "planner". I am a journaler. I enjoy writing. I am on a quest to improve my penwomanship. Initially I thought copperplate, then I though nah, spencerian. After my recent online course I know it's plain old cursive hand for me. Anyway, spencerian is simply cursive but with shade one a quaint few letters. Well, I can forgo shade in favor of everyday, good ole, cursive or business writing has it used to be know.

Digressing, I purchased an A6 from you that is sitting in my cache, so sad. She has a cute leather planner cover just for her.But, she's barely used. Perhaps I should incorporate her for July, '25 One Book. Hmmmm. Lemme think about it.



P.S. I do miss Stalogy, but the Tomoe River keeps a callin' this gal.

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Jun 26Liked by Opal

"Perhaps I should incorporate her for July, '25 One Book. "

I meant to type "July '24 . . . ".

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